Our story

GI Cancer care was founded in 2022 by Lorna & Josh, in memory of their two wonderful spouses.


Lorna’s husband John was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer on Father’s Day 2020, following emergency surgery for a suspected burst appendix. Unfortunately, John was found to have a large tumour in his bowel instead. He went through emergency surgery to remove the primary tumour, chemotherapy, and a clinical trial but sadly the disease was too aggressive, and John passed away on 6th November 2021. When asked why she wanted to start a charity, Lorna replied-

When asked why she wanted to start a charity, Lorna replied-

“John was such an inspiration to me from the very outset of his diagnosis- strong, determined, and full of his contagious humour. I wanted to do something concrete to help people in similar situations, and I wanted to do it for John. I would like our little girls to grow up knowing that that despite what has happened, good can come out of tragic situations and we can help others.”


Lyndsey, Josh’s wife, was diagnosed with inoperable stage 4 pancreatic cancer in June 2020, with only palliative chemotherapy being offered. She opted to forgo the chemotherapy, and instead focused on a holistic and alternative approach in treating the cancer, which included a 3-week stint in Germany. Sadly, the cancer was too advanced at time of diagnosis and she passed away on her 41st birthday on 10th November 2020. Josh was keen to start the charity to help others that may find themselves in the same unfortunate position that Lyndsey and John found themselves in - young, healthy, and with very little hope medically of a cure.

“I’ve seen first-hand the impact that a terminal diagnosis can have on a person with a lifetime still left to live. Not only must they process the physical aspect with what is happening within their bodies, but they also must deal with the emotional ramifications that come along with it. I hope that this charity can be a supportive network for others in similar situations. Helping them to find the information they need, the hope they want, and the support they require.”

Who we are

Our Trustees

Lorna Forsyth
Founder and Co-Chair

Joshua Mattox

David Forsyth

All donations are greatly appreciated and help us to support the thousands of younger people affected by GI cancer in Scotland. You can donate to us via our online donation form (one-off or monthly), or cheques can be posted to us directly at GI Cancer Care, 16 Stanton Marches, Haddington, EH41 3FB.