A mother and her sons playing in a field.

Supporting younger people with GI cancer in Scotland

With your help, we can support those living with GI cancers and their families. We can provide peer-to-peer support, organise fun days out for all the family, raise awareness of these diseases in younger people and help to fund vital cancer research.

Support us

Funding Research

Saving lives by funding research into the development & treatment of GI cancers, with special interest in those research projects related to younger people and GI cancers.

GI Awareness

The advancement of health by promoting awareness of GI cancer in young people under the age of 50 in both the general public and the medical profession within Scotland.

Providing Relief

Providing relief for those in need by way of ill-health with support and information to younger patients with GI cancers and their families.

Living with cancer can be an emotional rollercoaster and can have an enormous impact on your life.


We have peer-to-peer support groups online where you can talk to others in the same situation.


We can help carers understand what they are feeling and get them the support they need.


We can help to provide useful advice on speaking with children about cancer, dying and death.

Getting Support

Making sure you have the right support is invaluable and can make things easier during an incredibly stressful time. Talk to your friends and family and ask for help if you need it, they will want to be there for you but may not know what to say or do. There are also many peer-to-peer support groups available online (including our own GI Cancer Care Facebook groups) where you can chat with people in the same situation and find helpful advice and support.

All donations are greatly appreciated and help us to support the thousands of younger people affected by GI cancer in Scotland. You can donate to us via our online donation form (one-off or monthly), or cheques can be posted to us directly at GI Cancer Care, 16 Stanton Marches, Haddington, EH41 3FB.